Sunday, April 8, 2012

The beginning of my dance career.

I have done tap dancing for 14 years of my life. I love it and most of the reason is because I'm actually really good at it. I started dancing at a dance studio when  was 4 years old. I started off doing ballet. My first year of dance when I did ballet it was like a combination class of ballet/tap which meant that half of our dance was ballet and half of the dance was tap. We had to change into our tap shoes on stage. I remember it clear as day because I was only 3 and I had no idea how to tie my own shoes so i was really scared of changing shoes on stage in front of everybody. Our costumes were really neat because we had rain jackets and unbrellas. The song that we danced to was Singing in the rain (very fitting huh?). After that year I realized that I didn't want to do ballet but that I wanted to do tap. So I've stuck with it ever since.

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